Foundation for a That Has Continued to
Who We Are
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF), founded in 1930 as an independent, private foundation by breakfast cereal innovator and entrepreneur Will Keith Kellogg, is among the largest philanthropic foundations in the United States. Guided by the belief that all children should have an equal opportunity to thrive, WKKF works with communities to create conditions for vulnerable children so they can realize their full potential in school, work and life.
Overview Mission & Vision Values History & Legacy Financials Stewardship
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The W.K. Kellogg Foundation was established in 1930 by breakfast cereal innovator and entrepreneur W.K. Kellogg, who defined its purpose as "…administering funds for the promotion of the welfare, comfort, health, education, feeding, clothing, sheltering and safeguarding of children and youth, directly or indirectly, without regard to sex, race, creed or nationality.…" To guide current and future trustees and staff, he said, "Use the money as you please so long as it promotes the health, happiness and well-being of children."
The foundation receives its income primarily from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Trust, which was set up by Mr. Kellogg. In addition to its diversified portfolio, the trust continues to own substantial equity in the Kellogg Company. While the company and the foundation have enjoyed a long-standing relationship, the foundation is governed by its own independent board of trustees. The foundation receives its income primarily from the trust's investments.
Over the years, the Kellogg Foundation's programming has continued to evolve, striving to remain innovative and responsive to the ever-changing needs of society. Today, the organization ranks among the world's largest private foundations, awarding grants in the United States, Mexico and Haiti.
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation supports children, families and communities as they strengthen and create conditions that propel vulnerable children to achieve success as individuals and as contributors to the larger community and society.
We envision a nation that marshals its resources to assure that all children have an equitable and promising future – a nation in which all children thrive.
The work of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation is imbued with these values:
- We believe in helping people help themselves through the practical application of knowledge and resources to improve their quality of life and that of future generations.
- We believe all people have the inherent capacity to effect change in their lives, in their organizations, and in their communities. We respect individuals and value their collective interests, strengths and cultures.
- We believe stewardship requires fidelity to the spirit and to the intent of the founder, and the wise use of resources. We believe in being responsible, prudent, selfless and exercising good judgment.
- We believe innovation of thought and action leads to enduring and positive change in both formal and informal systems.
- We value integrity of purpose and action, and believe it is essential to all of our affairs.
History & Legacy
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation was established in 1930, by the inventor of ready-to-eat breakfast cereal, W.K. Kellogg, in his hometown of Battle Creek, Michigan. His signature became well known. But the man behind it was characterized by extraordinary humility and a visionary belief in people.
W.K. Kellogg cared about children, the conditions in which they were raised and what the future held for them. He believed in the power of communities to forge solutions for the health, happiness and well-being of their children. And, he wanted to equip people with the knowledge and resources to pursue those solutions.
Vision, humility and belief in people are the values stewarded by the Kellogg Foundation for 90 years. Today those values take form in community-led efforts on behalf of thriving children, working families and equitable communities.
Learn more about WKKF's history
WKKF and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Trust are committed to managing financial resources efficiently and effectively.
Annually, independent auditors are engaged to audit our financial statements and review the effectiveness of our internal controls. Results of our audits are typically released in December.
The foundation and trust also each complete Form 990-PFs, an informational return for U.S. private foundations filed with the IRS reporting assets, investments, expenses and grant activity. The 990-PF is due in January, but an extension is typically requested to provide time to gather investment portfolio documentation.
Fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2021
Fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2020
Social Bond Issuance, 2020
The Kellogg Foundation shares our founder's commitment to stewardship.
We are stewards of both W.K. Kellogg's legacy and of the public's trust. (Happily, the two are highly compatible.) To retain that trust, we are obligated to manage our assets efficiently and effectively. And we seek to be as transparent as possible about what we support and how we account for our expenditures.
The foundation's vision, mission and values guide our strategic planning and our everyday decision-making. There are also clear directives to help our trustees, officers and staff members uphold the legal and ethical standards essential to our work. Please consult the topics and policies listed to learn more about how the Kellogg Foundation governs itself as it works with communities to create conditions for vulnerable children so they can realize their full potential in school, work and life.
Our People
Trustees Leadership Team Staff A - D Staff E - L Staff M - R Staff S - Z
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Celeste A. Clark
Battle Creek, Michigan
Milton Chen
San Francisco, California
Richard M. Tsoumas
Battle Creek, Michigan
Khan Nedd
Grand Rapids, Michigan
La June Montgomery Tabron
Battle Creek, Michigan
Ramón Murguía
Kansas City, Kansas
Cathann Kress
Columbus, Ohio
Roderick D. Gillum
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Christina K. Hanger
Plano, Texas
- (Pictured left to right and listed in order. )
La June Montgomery Tabron
president and CEO
Ross Comstock
vice president for information systems and technology
Kathryn A. Krecke
general counsel and corporate secretary
Dianna Langenburg
vice president for talent and human resources
Paul Martinez
chief leadership and human capital strategist
Michael Murphy
vice president for communication
Carla D. Thompson Payton
vice president for program strategy
Carlos Rangel
vice president and chief investment officer
Cindy Smith
vice president for integrated services
Alandra Washington
vice president for quality and organizational effectiveness
Donald G. Williamson
vice president for finance and treasurer
Ackley, Keona
executive assistant
Altes, Sally
knowledge and data analyst
Andrews, Tyler
grant and contract analyst
Babcock, Michele
accounting and budget analyst
Bagneris Jr., Dennis
program officer
Bartley, Shana
policy officer
Basquin, Maya
program specialist
Beacham, Lea Ann
program budget analyst
Beecham, Annette
program operations manager
Beltran, Monica
program officer
Benson, Aloria
program specialist
Bianchi, Jon-Paul
senior program officer
Binkley, Turner
assistant general counsel
Bird, Andrea
senior executive assistant
Blahuta, Renee
program officer
Bowles, Audry
budget analyst
Bracken, Amy
communications officer
Bradshaw, Donna
program budget analyst
Briggs, Kayla
executive assistant to the general counsel and corporate secretary
Bringas Acevedo, Rocío
executive assistant
Brock, Mária
program manager
Brower, Andrew
program officer
Brown, Shanelle
director of investments
Brunton, Caroline
program officer
Burel, Deirdre Johnson
senior program officer
Burr, Laura
associate director of internal audit
Caban, Kip
senior executive assistant
Cameron, Brittany
program manager
Cantave, Alix
senior program officer - Haiti
Carlin, Katherine
budget analyst
Carlson, Kari
communications manager
Castillo, Erin
program specialist
Cervantes, Susana
talent and human resources specialist
Cherry, Erica
senior manager, tax compliance and investment accounting
Chirara, Simba
investment analyst
Church, Renee
special dining chef
Cisneros, Arianna
program officer
Clements, Cherie
budget analyst
Cobbs, Myron
grant and contract analyst
Coffman, Tracie
program officer
Coleman, Michelle
senior executive assistant to the president and CEO
Coloma, Jessica
program officer
Comstock, Ross
vice president for information systems and technology
Comstock, Shannon
investment analyst
Cook, Jessica
talent and human rersources analyst
Corso, Minda
digital communications manager
Cortez Merrild, Jessica
executive assistant
Creed, Erin
leadership development manager
Currier, Erin
senior program officer
Daniel-Echols, Marijata
program officer
Das, Lara
Director of compensation, benefits and HRIS
DeHaney, Felicia
director of education and learning
DeHart, Brad
director of facilities
DeHart, Lisa
change management data analyst
Diaz, Arelis
director, office of the president
Dobbs, Javon
communications manager
Doctor, Linda Jo
program officer
Dodd, Tandra
program specialist
Doherty, Olivia
communications officer
Downs, Allie
digital production specialist
Duffy, Kristin
senior manager, contract services
Dukes, Stephanie
communications officer
Dungey, Jonathon
talent and human resources analyst
Duran-Sallee, Jennifer
program officer
Edwards, Jazmin
program specialist
Eisner, Brett
program manager
English, Shanelle
executive assistant
Enriquez, Xiomara
program officer
Faiz, Humaira
mission investment manager
Fernandez de Castro Robles, Veronica
senior program officer
Fernández Calderón, Daniela
program manager
Foote, Devin
program officer
Forman, Kristi
THR analyst
Francois, Dana
program officer
Freeman, Derrick
program specialist
Frias Becerra, Sebastian
program officer
Gapinski, Allyssa
program specialist
Goldstein, Michael
deputy general counsel
Gray, Robb
director of policy - advocacy
Graziano, Neal
director of investments
Green, Deborah
talent officer
Green, Deborah
executive assistant
Green, Tara
executive assistant
Gutiérrez, Michelle
senior program officer
Hager, Lexi
program specialist
Harrison, Kinah
program officer
Hawkins, Danyale
director of transformation and organizational effectiveness
Hess, Cheryl
executive assistant
Higginbotham, Brenna
senior internal auditor
Holso, Yvonne
program manager
Holling, Brenda
executive assistant
Hopkins, Jason
investment accounting analyst
Jabisetty, Sateesh
senior business analyst
Jiha, Ryan
program officer
Jimenez, Lourdes
program specialist
Johnson, Megan Russell
program officer
Johnson, Yolanda Lyles
program manager
Jones, Elizabeth
program specialist
Keaty, Soheila
assistant general counsel
Keeney-Lujan, Joshua
program specialist
Keller, Robyn
program manager
King, Ceara Megan Easley
program specialist
King, Jacquelyn
executive assistant
King, Lauren
program officer
Klunk, Todd
program officer
Knoop, Lisa
grant and contract specialist
Krecke, Kathryn
general counsel and corporate secretary
Krenn, Huilan
director of evaluation
Kwon, Bonnie
policy officer
LaGrand, Reginald
director oflLeadership
LaGro, Sarah
budget analyst
Langenburg, Dianna
vice president for talent and human resources
Lee, Susie
PRI officer
Leuthauser, Elizabeth
program manager
Lopez, Carlos
director of talent acquisition and development
Lopez, Simon
program officer
Lowe, Kelly
meeting planner
Lutjens, Karla
senior manager, meeting planner
Malpartida, Claudia
talent and human resources analyst
Manu, Shanie
program specialist
Martinez, Paul
chief leadership and human capital strategist
Masic, Ivona
program specialist
Mason, Suzan
program specialist
McKinley, Iris
senior meeting specialist
Meinke, Samantha
communications officer
Miller, Anna
meeting planner
Miller, Wendy
program specialist
Mohanty, Saroj
director of information technology, enterprise systems
Montes, Marcela
program officer
Moore, Ciciley
senior program officer
Moore III, Ralph
executive assistant
Moore, Yazeed
senior program officer
Moriarty, Alana
communications officer
Muller, Cynthia
director of mission investments
Murphy, Michael
vice president for communications
Nelson, Faye
director of Michigan programs
Newton, Virlean
employee dining chef
Njus, Jonathan
director of Family Economic Security
Nobel, David
maintenance technician/project lead
Noricks, Rebecca
communications officer
Norwood, Joi
program officer
Nunez, Elizabeth
program specialist
O'Dell, Jenefer
senior program officer
Olney, Paxton
program manager
Ordoñez, Karina Alatriste
senior executive assistant
Pacheco de Alas, Chamiza
director of New Mexico programs
Parker, Kathryn
program officer
Parsons, Jill
program manager
Parsons, Laura
program specialist
Patel, Mitesh
accounting analyst
Payton, Carla Thompson
vice president for program strategy
Pearsall, Deborah
executive assistant
Pelayo, Icela
program officer
Pierre, Beyza
program specialist
Pino, Rochelle
senior executive assistant to the president and CEO-board relations
Poyer, Denise
facilities and telecommunications technician
Prater, Wesley
program officer
Raj, Kumar
program officer
Rangel, Carlos
vice president & chief investment officer
Read, Courtney
data and operations analyst
Reincke, Kathleen
director of communications
Rey, Deborah
program operations manager
Roberts, Kimberly
senior manager, grant services
Robinson, Ray
program manager
Robinson II, Scott
director of digital engagement
Rohs, Leslee
program manager
Rosenthal, Robyn
communications officer
Russell, Natalie
senior executive assistant
Ryan, Daniel
senior officer, infrastructure, security and support
St. John, Tammy
program specialist/portfolio associate
Sallee, Jennifer
senior program officer
Sammons, Paula
senior program officer
Sanders, Reginald
director of investments
Santana, Kimberly
program specialist
Santiago, Alicia
budget analyst
Savio, Susie
finance specialist
Scamihorn, Philip
senior officer, knowledge, data and learning
Schmelkes, Quetzalli Sotelo
program officer
Schneider, Brian
associate director of internal audit
Schriner, Jamie
program officer
Seales, Naima
digital production analyst
Seng, Tish
program manager
Shaver, Alicia
senior analyst, knowledge and records
Sheffieck, Emily
grant analyst
Shellenberger, Matthew
senior portfolio manager
Simpson, Patrick
director of food, health & well-being
Slone, Natalie
senior specialist, digital experience
Smith, Cindy
vice president for service and experience
Smith, Diane
director of culture and experience
Smith, Sarah
senior generalist, THR
Smith, Eileen Storer
program officer
Sroka, Neil
communications officer
Stealy, Jessica
senior specialist, digital experience
Stiles, Cindy
payroll & accounting analyst
Stott, Victoria
senior program officer
Styburski, Dylan
investment analyst
Suarez, Emma
concierge services associate
Syed, Muneeb
investment analyst
Tabron, La June Montgomery
president and CEO
Tafoya, Victoria
program officer
TenBrink, Cortnee
program specialist
Thomas, Nicole
business process analyst.
Thomson, Jennifer
executive assistant
Topp, Nara
program officer
Trinkle, Alyssa
Turner, Paige
executive assistant
Urayeneza, Marcel
leadership programs manager
Vernola, Joseph
maintenance technician/project lead
Vikis, Erika
executive assistant
Walters, Howard
program and evaluation officer
Wardford, Jeanne
program officer
Washington, Alandra
vice president for transformation and organizational effectiveness
Watson, Theresa
program officer
Wharton, Auncharee
accounting and payroll senior specialist
White, Alana
program officer
Willbur, April
business analyst
Williams, Teresa
program specialist
Williams-Bishop, Rhea
director of Mississippi and New Orleans programs
Williamson, Donald
vice president for finance and treasurer
Wilson, Lynn Dacotah-Scherer
program manager
Winstone, Dawn
business analyst
Withers, Stephanie
senior manager, investment operations
Womack, Shannon
program specialist/portfolio associate
Woods, Wendee
senior officer, QOE
Zhang, Zoe
investment analyst
Zigler, David
investment accounting and tax specialist
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